Yo soy un pastor poliglota. Con mi esposa por varios anios hemos tratado de tener un bebe. Nosotros vivimos en Quito. Deseamos un saladable recien nacido. (No drogas, ni desordenes congenitos) El bebe se criará en un hogar lleno de amor y con valores divinos. En lugar de abortar o abandonar a tu bebe, enviame un correo electronico a mas tardar una mes antes de que tu bebe nazca.
Dios the bendiga
I am a pastor and multilingual. My wife and I have been trying for many years to have a baby. We are in Quito. We want a healthy newborn at time of birth. Ie: no drugs or disorders. The baby will be raised with God, and so much love. Instead of aborting or abandoning please email me at least a month before expected time of birth, in order to meet you and make arrangements. God Bless you.
Ps I am European and my wife is an Indigenous Indian from the Americas.